Organic Sulfur is a critical bio-available form of sulfur that has been missing from our diets since 1954. The introduction of synthetic chemical nitrogen based fertilizers by chemical companies in the 50's has had a profound negative effect on our health. Sulfur and its mineral compounds have been chemically stripped from the soils of commercial farming. This has caused a sulfur deficiency in plants and so in humans and animal. Our bodies depend on the uptake of bio-available sulfur and its related minerals through the eating of fruits and vegetables. Animals and humans don't store sulfur.
Sulfur exists in both mineral and organic forms, yellow dirt is crystal mineral sulfur. Free organic sulfur is produced by similar volcanic activity as mineral sulfur is, but when the sulfur is released into salt water the salt allows the release of sulfur directly into the water and this is the beginning of the sulfur cycle for all living organisms.
After going through most nutrition textbooks, and you'll discover that sulfur is hardly ever mentioned, despite it being the third most abundant mineral (after calcium and phosphorus) in the body, accounting for 1 percent of your weight.
Sulfur is also a common ingredient in homeopathic remedies, developed in the 19th century and still popular today as over-the-counter remedies. In the 1920's, "colloidal sulfur" was used to treat arthritics. Now, researchers understand that sulfur forms part of the matrix of bone joints in the form of chondroitin sulfate and glucosamine sulfate.
Chondroiton and glucosamine are sulfur based amino acids, and sulfur is the "glue" which not only forms the matrix of our bones and joints but all of the cellular interlinking which is the true cellular matrix not only of man but all living organisms, even water has a matrix. The pines from which MSM comes from stand straight and tall due to the sulfur which bonds their cells together.
Do you get enough sulfur from the diet you eat? Many dietitians will say that people obtain adequate sulfur as long as they eat methionine-rich meat. But other foods also provide large amounts of sulfur, including egg yolks, broccoli, cauliflower, kale, Brussel sprouts, watercress, radish, leek, onion, and of course garlic. Unfortunately, many people dislike these foods or, as in the case of eggs, avoid them.
This is another example where we need to look outside the box, sulfur is not stored in the body human save for hair, nails and cartilage. It must be ingested daily. Regarding all of the foods mentioned above if the food is not fed sulfur these meats and vegetables are also sulfur deficient. Eggs are a good source of sulfur and should not be avoided. But even with these sources the longer the fruit or vegetable has been off the "vine" the more sulfur has been lost. The nutrients in all food degrade after being harvested, that is why they always tell you to drink your freshly made juice within ten minutes. For after being blended or chopped up (another word for processing) the nutrients fade quickly.
So what can you do about it?
Ingesting the pure form of sulfur or sulfur rich foods twice a day will help insure that you are not sulfur deficient. Sulfur is also used in many formulations carrying it in the mix, but then they also add magnesium stearate, silica, dicalcium phosphate, stearic acid and other undesirables. These things then use up the sulfur before it gets a chance to work in your body. Bulk and massed produced sulfur will often add these items, make sure to read the label!
Organic Sulfur should not be confused with sulfa based drugs, sulfites, sulfates or the sulfur smelling mineral sulfur. The drugs are synthetic and commonly cause allergic reactions in people and the mineral is like trying to get nutrients from a rock. You need an organic source for it to bio-available to you.
Sulfur works best as a detoxer when taken in conjunction with a pure form of Vit C, read the labels to make to sure the Vit C does not have any of the above listed additives. Also sulfur likes to travel in the body via polyphenols, so eating foods and drinking liquids rich in them will help ensure that your sulfur is used to the fullest. A short list of food and drink high in polyphenols is: Fruits and vegetables rich in color, Coffee, Tea, Red Wine, and Dark Chocolate, plus Coconut Oil is also a great source.